Drug & Alcohol Detox in Long Island

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Long Island

Intervention Services Near Long Island

It can be difficult to see someone you care about suffering with drug or alcohol addiction. But an intervention has the ability to make a real difference in convincing a friend or relative to obtain professional addiction support. By taking charge and arranging an intervention, you can demonstrate your concern and support for your loved one and assist them to detox services near Long Island or a different method of healing.

If you wish to organize an intervention for a family member or friend but don’t know where to start, call Sunrise Detox. We can help with drug intervention services in the Long Island area. Our intervention specialists can assist with resources and guidance for staging an intervention, and if your friend or relation agrees to begin drug or alcohol treatment, we’ll enroll them immediately.

Call 631-857-3800 Today

Get Your Loved One Support With Our Intervention Services Near Long Island

Planning an intervention takes careful consideration. If you don’t take a tactful approach, you could drive away your loved one and break their trust. You’ll be more successful getting help from one of our intervention specialists near Long Island. They are experienced at directing families through the process and educating you on the appropriate actions and words to use. You’ll be better able to accomplish your goals for the intervention with their knowledge.

We encourage you to contact us at 631-857-3800 anytime to explore our intervention services near Long Island. We’ll speak about the loved one you wish to help and your questions in regards to staging an intervention. Once this is done, we are able to support you with your choice of these approaches:

  • One of our intervention specialists can support you via phone call. They will train you on how to carry out the intervention on your own and can give assistance over the phone when you talk to your friend or relative. They are also able to speak to the individual you’re helping and answer questions about how detox and recovery works. We’ll also highlight the repercussions of not getting expert help.
  • We can refer you to a credentialed interventionist near you. Sunrise Detox has established relationships with skilled interventionists around the Long Island area and surrounding communities. We are happy to link you with someone who is able to organize and supervise an intervention at your location. They can keep the meeting going in the right direction and assist with professional advice to both you and the individual you’re assisting.

What Will An Intervention Include?

Two ladies partake in a intense conversation about the diverse drug and alcohol intervention methods, including the Johnson Model, Invitational Model, Systemic Family Model, ARISE Model, Motivational Interviewing, CRAFT, and the Field Model, underscoring their distinct approaches to wellness.

If you haven’t attended an intervention before, you might be unclear on what ought to happen. Here are the essentials of what an intervention is supposed to include. If you would like more information or support, contact us at 631-857-3800.

  1. Develop a plan with other individuals who are important to the person you’re helping, such as friends, relatives, medical professionals, or clergy. You might also receive help from an accredited interventionist to help keep the intervention moving forward.
  2. Pick a time and spot to carry out the intervention. Request your loved one to attend you there without disclosing to them the actual intent. Those supporting you should also attend.
  3. Start the intervention by telling your loved one you are all there because you are concerned about them and explain how addiction is impacting their life.
  4. Each person should then take turns sharing how your loved one’s drug or alcohol addiction has directly had an impact on them.
  5. Present options for treatment and realistic consequences for not finding help. Keep yourself patient and compassionate, but assertive if they become defensive. You can depend on the interventionist to assist whenever required.
  6. If they consent to getting assistance, be ready to take them to detox or a rehab provider without delay.

Can You Do An Intervention During Detox?

At Sunrise Detox, we understand it’s challenging to say goodbye to everyday life and go to a facility for treatment. We are aware withdrawal is hard, and some individuals might wish to stop and head home right away. Others may plan to leave as soon as they feel a little better. However, we never want to put anyone in a dangerous situation by letting them go prematurely. When a patient is inclined to leave prematurely, we’ll step in and encourage them to proceed with treatment until the drug has completely left their system and an aftercare plan has been established.

Our alcohol and drug intervention services near Long Island are designed to keep patients out of danger. If an individual opposes care and jeopardizes their life and well-being, we do everything in our power to help them realize why they need to stay and finish detox. An in-center intervention with them and members of their family will help us address:

  • Why the patient wants to depart before finishing
  • Why our team believes they ought to carry on
  • The threats of relapsing and overdosing they will face
  • If a lower level of care is appropriate at this instance
  • How Sunrise Detox staff and family can better support the patient to help them complete detox

Sunrise Detox Can Answer Your Questions About Substance Use Interventions And Detox

Helping a person detox is a team effort, and we want to work with families to help their loved ones throughout this endeavor. Addiction recovery can seem complicated and demanding, and we are here to help all the people involved grasp how it works. We encourage families to contact us if they have a question about addiction and the detox process. We’ll happily provide facts and resources concerning:

  • When a loved one should get addiction support
  • Why medically-guided detox is the best way to start treatment
  • Our goals and detox treatment approach
  • How to support your family member during detox
  • How to cope with the strain of having someone you care about in detox

If you would like to know more about drug or alcohol detox at Sunrise Detox Long Island before enrolling a person close to you, call us at 631-857-3800 at any time. We are always here to provide clarification on whatever you want to discuss.

Get Help With Drug And Alcohol Intervention Services Near Long Island Now

There’s no need to wait around and watch as drug or alcohol use unravels a loved one’s life. Call 631-857-3800 or complete the form below to get them urgent help. We reply 24 hours a day to assist you with intervention services and enroll your loved ones into our detox center. We are ready to support you now.